Thursday, November 13, 2014

Nov 13 - Blogs

Sometimes you trip across something you really need to hear.  Today was just such a day.

I have a whole list of blogs that I try to keep up on; some are knitting blogs, biker blogs and even a fashion blog or two.  I have eclectic interests. :)

Today, I was reading Savage Roads.  His post was about being real.  This is something that I, probably like a lot of people, always struggle with.  I want to succeed and 'fit in' so I do what I have to in order to look right and act right according to work place etiquette.  But after awhile of being that person, I become uncomfortable and have a need to rebel.  Today it was freeing, to see that others think like that too.  I probably will continue to yo-yo back and forth but at least I'll know that I'm not alone.

I'll leave you with a picture of my baby from the day I bought her.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nov 11th - Cell Phone

Today I am thankful for my cell phone.

Thanks to cell phones, even though I am 700+ miles away, I can keep informed on how my nephew's basketball game is going. (They are currently winning.)  I can see pictures of both nephews through instagram and facebook; and see what they are thinking thanks to twitter.  Thanks to my cell phone that 700 miles doesn't seem so far away.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Nov 10 - Kindle

I am thankful for my Kindle.  I love being able to order and have books when I want them. I also love not having to wait.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9 - Starting Over

Today I am thankful that we are able to start over.

We all have to things that we are trying to accomplish, knitting a difficult item, stop gossiping, quitting smoking or losing weight.  Sometimes those things are rather difficult.  But thankfully, we can keep starting over until we get it right.

It isn't always easy to start over, but I can do it. And I can keep doing it until I succeed.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 7 & 8 - Woolies and exercise

I forgot to post yesterday, so you get two for the price of one.


I am thankful for wool. It has suddenly taken a turn for the colder here.  I am so thankful that I can bundle up in my Woolies and stay warm.

Nov 8

I am thankful that I can exercise.   Like so many I have  few pounds to lose, but at least I can do something about it. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nov 6th - E-mail

Today I am thankful for email.  I know this isn't very exciting or sexy.  However, I vividly remember the days prior to e-mail.  The days when you would write a letter or memo by hand or typewriter.  You would then place a stamp on it or send it via inter-office mail and wait days or weeks for a reply.

Today if I have a problem or just a question, I can send off a note to someone within seconds.  Of course this can be good or bad, ask anyone who hasn't thought something through or proof read before hitting the send button.  But overall e-mail has made life a little easier.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nov. 5th - Work

I am thankful that I have a job to go to everyday.  I am thankful that I enjoy my work, that it supports my family and my yarn habit.  I've worked hard and it's taken a long time but I'm finally in a position that I love.
And this view certainly doesn't hurt. ;)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4th - Military

This is a little early, but today I am thankful for all the Men and Women who protect our Country (America).

I had to read a Memorial Day speech given by General Powell and President Clinton, for a class that I'm taking.  That speech got me thinking about all the things, and rights, I have because someone, somewhere fought for my rights.  Thank you!

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3rd - Humor

Today I am thankful for a sense of humor.
Some days the only way to get through the day is laugh.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thankful November - Friends & Faith

Each day until Thanksgiving I am going to post something for which I am thankful.  I had wanted to start November first.  But since today is the second, you get two for the price of one.

November 1.

I am thankful for Friends.

After more than 30 years, these friends are as close as family.  My life without them would not be as colorful or interesting. They help me laugh and not take life too seriously.

November 2.

I am thankful for Faith.

This is something I have struggled with my entire life.  I believe in God and his son Jesus, even when, at times, it would be easier to not believe.  Even though faith and how it should be lived is hard, I am thankful for my mustard seed of faith.